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  • twinbuttemarket

Where It All Began.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Kassandra but those who know me call me Kass. I am the organizer of the Community Markets in the small town of Twin Butte, AB.

You may recognize me as the girl with the wild colored hair at the General Store or from my time on the Twin Butte Community Society Board of Directors. My husband and I relocated from the East Coast to Twin Butte about seven years ago and since arriving we have jumped into our community with both feet!

In the fall of 2017 while working with the Twin Butte Hall Board I realized we have a vast amount of talent, artists and businesses in Southern Alberta & the Twin Butte area that deserved to be showcased and celebrated in a local setting. This is where the idea of the Community Markets began.

I love to organize, network and create events and experiences, and took the idea and ran with it and to my delight the community embraced the idea and now two years later we have had incredibly successful events.

I look forward to continuing to shape and grow our events in the future and can't wait to see what comes next!

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